Thanks for all your encouragement this past week. I really appreciate it. I'm slightly jealous that Jacob and Kim are in Cancun this week! That'd be so fun!
It's been crazy busy over here! We had an awesome week and met some pretty interesting people. Haha I'm excited to tell you about them.
On Tuesday night we drove to Winona which is about an hour away, for a 24 hour exchange with the sisters there. It's a super cute college town. I was with Sister Xiong who is a Hmong sister! We were out tracting and contacting, and came across a couple college kids and started talking to them. Some of their friends walked out of the house with a cooler full of Coors Light, a table, and red Solo cups. Haha they were gonna play beer pong! They asked if we wanted to join, and we were like oh no, we're good haha. One of the guys was like, "If you win, I will come to your church or wherever." It was a tempting offer, but I wasn't gonna risk it! So that was kinda funny.
Thursday night, Sister Hopkins and I were out finding and knocked on this lady's door. Another lady came up behind her and we invited them to church and to our church tour. They were like "is your church non denominational?" We didn't really know what that meant so we asked her. She was like "Can anyone come to your church?" We expressed that yeah, all are welcome. She was like "good cause we go together." I guess I'm pretty naive, cause I also didn't really catch on to what she was saying, until they said that they are married and each others wives. Not gonna lie, they actually seemed really interested which is the interesting part haha. We haven't said the word "Mormon" to them yet, so that might be the deal breaker. Lol we have a lesson with them this week. Pray for us!!! Could be a fun one!!!
For our service every week, Sister Hopkins and I go to Salvation Army and we help serve lunch to homeless people! I look out and see the people that come through; older people, handicapped, people of all races, ages, young families, everyone. It is very eye-opening, and while I was standing there watching them eat, tears literally started coming down my face! It just made me think of how lucky I am to have my family and the gospel. Often times I don't feel like I appreciate it enough.
We volunteered at a race Saturday morning! We just did it for the free t-shirt lol. (just kidding).
I was asked to play a musical number at church yesterday. I just played Called to Serve. I love that song, but I'm kinda tired of performing it. The problem is is that I don't have time to practice other cool songs! It was awesome though because a guy in the ward is leaving for his mission this week and I got to play right after his talk. It fit very well with the theme of missionary work today. Our ward is so on top of things it's unreal!
September 8th is Bishop's birthday, so Sister Hopkins and I had the idea a few weeks ago that we would take a Book of Mormon and have as many of the ward members possible mark their favorite verse and write their name by it. It's been going awesome!! We are so excited to give it to him.
I love you all so much! Thank you for everything you do for me.
Have a great week!
Love Hermana Nissinen